Let’s learn everything related to the Moon lines. What do we watch in this video: Working only with the moon lines The meaning of the colour of the lines Knowing the current position (azimuth and elevation) in the sky The Moon in the 3D View How to deal with the visual obstacles
Let’s learn how to plan with the light of the Sun. What do we watch in this video: Working only with the sun lines The meaning of the colour of the lines Knowing the current position (azimuth and elevation) in the sky The Sun in the 3D View How to deal with the visual obstacles
As we need to plan for any date, knowing the use of the controls is a basic task.
But, don’t be afraid as the steps to mastering the date and time is easy.
Meet the Black Pin or the position pin.
Here it is the observer or where we’ll place the camera.
Meet for the first time the Planner.
A short video showing the different parts of the interface.